Friday, May 28, 2010

A Food Journey

We're on a food journey.  We've always been pretty good eaters (or so I thought).  Not a lot of fried foods, not a lot of fast food, take out, or even restaurant eating.  We tend to eat at home, with most meals cooked from scratch.  But, still, a lot of things sneak in there.  Just how much sneaks in, I never really realized until I started looking. 

So, we're trying to be more conscious of eating healthfully.  Simpler, wholesome, traditional. UNPROCESSED.  I've found a lot of good information on several blogs:

It's amazing the information that is out there, and the number of people who don't know about it.  I know I sure didn't until recently.  I'm hoping to share our process as we go through it and any kernels of information I learn along the way. 

So right now, we're pretty much on Step 1:

 - Eliminate overly processed foods
This has been harder than I thought.  Mostly because we're not "processed" food eaters, or so I thought.  I mean, we don't eat boxed food.  But condiments will getcha. 
 - Use good fats
We've made good progress here.  Real butter, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil.  Toss out that canola!  And no more margerine.

I'm excited about the road ahead!

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